Howarth of London
London Store 31 Chiltern Street, Marylebone, London, W1U 7PN, UK
Worthing Store 19 Buckingham Road, Worthing , West Sussx, BN11 1TH, UK
- Handcrafted woodwind instruments.
- Accessories and woodwind sheet music.
- Instrument repairs, services, and customization.
Howarth of London is a specialist woodwind music shop and woodwind instrument maker. Established in 1948 originally as an oboe maker then later expanding to manufacture cors anglais, oboes d'amore, and bassoons, as well as suppliers of clarinets, saxophones, English horns, and flutes. The London shop has an expert staff, all woodwind instrument players, to advise and assist customers and offers a range of instruments, accessories and woodwind sheet music. Howarth of London also offers instrument repairs, services, and custom adaptations.
Instruments are made in Howarth of London's West Sussex manufacturing shop. High tech machinery is used to make precision components which are then hand-assembled into Howarth of London's fine instruments.