192 Books
New York Store 192 10th Avenue, Chelsea, New York, NY 10011, USA
- A curated selection of translated literature.
- Weekly children's story hour.
- Sign inscribed with literary quotes.
192 Books was founded in 2003 by noteworthy partners, gallerist Paula Cooper and editor Jack Mcrae. The bookstore, whose name is a nod to its address, is filled with books on a variety of subjects, including literary fiction, works in translation, art and photography, film, poetry, music, history, biography, natural history, science, current affairs, and books for children and young adults. Events include a weekly story hour for children and readings by distinguished writers and artists. We love the inspiring literary quotes inscribed on a sandwich board outside the shop.
An independent bookshop with inspiring literary quotes, curated art books, translated works, and a children's story hour.