Boekhandel Dominicanen


Maastricht Store Dominicanerkerkstraat 1, 6211 CZ Maastricht, NL


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  • An immense multi-storey bookcase.
  • Impressive vaulted ceilings and original frescoes.
  • A music centre with CDs and vinyl records.

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A former 13th century Dominican church repurposed as a bookstore complete with magnificent original ceiling frescoes and wall paintings. The church has a chequered history serving as horse stable, concert hall, bicycle shed, as well as a place of worship and its current incarnation as a bookshop.

Since 2014 the soaring vaulted ceilings accommodate the three-storey bookshop, Boekhandel Dominicanen, with plenty of room to spare. There is an immense variation of titles and topics, including a selection of second-hand books. The upper floor accommodates a music department offering a wide selection of genres available as CDs and Vinyl records.

The former altar houses a coffee shop and is the location of author events, book signings, and concerts.

A former 13th century Dominican church repurposed as a bookstore complete with magnificent original ceiling frescoes and wall paintings.

Photo Michael Holemans archiseye