Pink Olive
West Village Store 30 Charles Street, New York, NY 10014, USA
East Village Store 439 East 9th Street, New York, NY 10009, USA
Cold Spring Store 80 Main Street, New York, NY 10516, USA
Little Rock Store 1501 Main Street, Little Rock, AR 72202, USA
- Greeting cards for every occasion.
- Baby gifts including clothes, books, and toys.
- Gifts for family, friends, lovers, and pets.
Founded in 2007 by Grace Kang, a former buyer at Bloomingdales, Saks, and Barney's. Grace started Pink Olive with a mission to make "gift giving super easy, fun and attainable for little ones to loved ones". She opened the first Pink Olive store in the East Village followed by shops in New York's West Village, Cold Spring in upstate New York, and Little Rock, Arkansas.
The Pink Olive boutiques have an assortment of whimsical and inspired stationery and gifts for every occasion. Gifts for babies, friends, lovers, family, and pets.
Pink Olive makes the gifting process super easy, fun and attainable for little ones to loved ones.
Pink Olive, East Village
Pink Olive, West Village

Photo by Susan Kaufman
Pink Olive, Cold Spring

Photo by maggieonthemove
Pink Olive, Little Rock